The MNTB has produced the Electro-Technical Officer Competency Record (ETO CR) so that seafarers can demonstrate the sea time competence requirements as part of the MCA Electro-Technical Certificate of Competency.
Written in plain English with numerous worked examples and exercises, this boxed set covers everything you need to know about the navigation syllabus at OOW level.
With interactive content. For all ranks and serving crew in the mercantile marine, this study pack covers everything students need to revise when preparing for the oral assessment taken as part of the Deck Certificate of Competency at either junior or senior levels.
The main subject matter covered relates to the use of charts and other Admiralty navigational publications, chart constructions, visual and radar terrestrial navigation, including the use of celestial bodies for the calculation of compass errors and position fixing.
by H I Lavery. This book covers the knowledge of shipboard operations required by candidates for professional qualification as Chief Officer and Master Mariner.