This publication has been revised to incorporate the latest guidance and practical advice for ships transiting the Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait. All the data contained within this Guide has been reviewed and validated by Auriga Pilots, drawing on their considerable experience in all areas of the Marine Park and beyond.
This publication explains the theory and practice of ship manoeuvring and basics of pilotage. It covers a wide range of manoeuvres and provides practical guidance on the dynamic forces acting on the ship and appropriate use of the ship’s controls. The book is based on the author’s extensive experience as a pilot and is both informative and easy to read.
This publication provides criteria for the development of courses to deliver training in human element leadership and management, in accordance with international regulations for seafarer training.
The book analyses all aspects of the manoeuvring features of ships on both open water and narrow waterways, with reference to the recommendations of the STCW Convention, which sets out the required manoeuvring abilities of helmsmen.
This publication has been written for personnel who design and deliver training programmes. It covers the requirements for Navigation Aids and Equipment Simulator Training (NAEST) Operational and Management certification, Automatic Radar Plotting Aids (ARPA) training, and Small Ships Navigation and Radar training, set out in Chapter II of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as amended, and corresponding sections of the STCW Code.
Passing the Danish Straits, either by the Great Belt or the Sound, leads ships through shallow water, strong currents, harsh weather conditions and high density of traffic, making it a complex challenge for mariners. The Passage Planning Guide -Baltic Sea: Skagen to Bornholm has been developed through cooperation between Witherbys, DanPilot and BIMCO to provide an overview for mariners and to assist in proper planning for a ship transiting in this area.