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    Nautilus Bookshop

    Welcome to the Nautilus Bookshop – a collection of great reads to enjoy at sea and ashore. A partnership between Marine Society and Nautilus International, the bookshop stocks recent releases on a range of maritime topics, including ship histories, seafarer memoirs, studies of the Merchant Navy in wartime and even the occasional nautical novel.

    The Book of the Month will feature a special discount during its respective month. All the books here have been reviewed in the Nautilus Telegraph, and new titles are added each month.

    If you have a recently-published maritime book that you would like the Nautilus Telegraph to consider for review, please email:

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    Olympic Titanic Britannic

    The anatomy and evolution of the Olympic Class

    Dazzle, Disruption and Concealment : The Science, Psychology and Art of Ship Camouflage

    David L. Williams examines the origins of maritime camouflage, how it was originally influenced by natural concealment as seen in living creatures and plants and was followed by the emergence of two fundamentally opposed schools of thought: reduced visibility and disruption to visual perception.

    Churchill's Atlantic Convoys

    Churchill’s Atlantic Convoys describes the political, strategic and tactical ebb and flow of events, particularly between 1942 and 1943. Thanks to increased numbers and scientific innovations the Allies slowly gained the upper hand despite a determined German fight back in late 1943 and early 1944. While the U-boat threat was never wholly defeated, the tenacity and sacrifices of the Allied naval forces won the day.

    The Steep Atlantick Stream

    Nautilus Telegraph's book of the month for June 2023.

    Naval Eyewitnesses: the Experience of War 1939-1945

    Nautilus Telegraph's book of the month for May 2023.

    A Maritime Review of 2021

    This book is intended to give a snapshot of the events that occurred in the shipping industry during 2021.

    Bustler Class Rescue Tugs: In War & Peace

    A fine tribute to the unsung heroes and vessels during war and peace. Provides full vessel details. Complemented with many evocative photographs.

    Leith Built Ships, Vol. III, Henry Robb Ltd. (1945-1965)

    Continues the highly-praised story of shipbuilding in Leith. Contains a memorable collection of photographs. Features the post-War golden era of shipbuilding and the ensuing industry changes. Written by a proud shipbuilder who is still active in shipbuilding today.

    The Development of Crude Oil Tankers

    In this engaging book, Dr. Solly examines the history of crude oil tankers from early days when this vital commodity was carried aboard ordinary sailing vessels, through the innovative designs that resulted in significant breakthroughs leading to early single-hulled VLCCs, and the later stronger hence safer double-hulled vessel.

    Diesels Afloat: The Essential Guide to Diesel Boat Engines

    Nautilus Telegraph's book of the month for March 2023.

    Lochs of Scotland: The comprehensive guide to Scotland's most fabulous inland and sea lochs

    This stunning book showcases more than 50 of the most popular, interesting and beautiful, and is a perfect guide for anyone visiting or exploring Scotland, or wanting to find out about these iconic and breathtaking locations, sometimes sitting by spectacular coast and other times nestled in between towering mountains.

    White Funnel Paddle Steamers in the Bristol Channel


    Nautilus Bookshop

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