This publication details the rules, regulations and procedures that should be followed when preparing for pilot embarkation and disembarkation. It includes relevant excerpts from SOLAS regulations and IMO resolutions. The text is supported by explanatory photographs and diagrams that demonstrate good and bad practice. This second edition supersedes both the basic and advanced editions of Pilot Ladder Manual.
This publication provides advice on current piracy and armed robbery hotspots, as well as conflict regions and areas of increased risk. It includes the latest industry guidelines and advice to aid in the development of Ship Security Plans and also provides useful material for the training of Masters and Ship Security Officers to help achieve mandatory training requirements.
This consolidated edition combines in one guidance manual the various sources of information necessary for assessing the condition of the ballast tanks, cargo tanks and structure of tankers in service.
The Tanker Safety Guide: Liquefied Gas, 4th Edition, is the definitive industry best practice guidance for gas carrier operators, and a carriage requirement under the national regulations of many flag States.