This guide outlines procedures for the cleaning of cargo tanks on chemical and petroleum tankers. It contains a tank cleaning cross table providing procedures for some 170 000 previous to next cargo combinations.
General Rules for Tankers, Owned or Operating in the USA, 2025 Edition, is edited and compiled from over 15,000 pages of regulations directly related to shipping, contained in the United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). These are the codification of the general and permanent rules of the U.S. Federal Government, which in their entirety number over 200,000 pages of information.
The hardcopy is coming in end of November. E-book is available on Witherby Connect. This ICS/BIMCO guide enables shipping companies to align with the IMO's 2023 underwater radiated noise guidelines and help preserve marine life.
This guide is a valuable reference tool for anyone working in the offshore service sector looking for insight and guidance on BIMCO’s wide range of offshore contracts and charter parties.
This publication includes the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships, 2008 (2008 SPS Code), the new International Code of Safety for Ships Carrying Industrial Personnel (IP Code), and SOLAS chapter XV on safety measures for ships carrying industrial personnel.